Experience of use Inno Gialuron

Experience using Inno Gialuron cream from Paola from Mexico City

My experience with Inno Gialuron

My skin is always problematic. As a teenager I was plagued by acne, then my body reacted violently to poor quality cosmetics, and I was forever allergic to some of the substances that are normally found in creams. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that my skin in the area of my forehead, nose and cheeks is very oily and constantly shiny, but in other areas it is dry, sensitive and is peeling off. Active ultraviolet did its job too, we have a lot of sun and in my youth I never got out of the beaches and sunbathed until black. And even now I spend a lot of time outdoors, as a result - pigment disorders. I turned 50 last summer and didn't want to look in the mirror. It is said that women in the southern regions age rapidly and while I know those who have naturally wonderful skin that resists wrinkles, I have been so unlucky.

As I found out about Inno Gialuron

The result of using Inno Gialuron

For years I have been looking for a product that works for my combination skin. But I couldn't afford expensive products, and cheap ones caused rashes, itching, and peeling. My face faded, my skin became dull, with dark circles under my eyes, and many deep and fine wrinkles appeared. I recently met a friend who we haven't seen in a long time and she amazed me with her radiant looks. When I questioned her, she said that she has been using the Inno Gialuron cream for several months. On their recommendation, I found an official website with a full review of the serum - the drug - instructions for use, directions for use, beautician comments and user reviews. And I decided to try it out, especially since the price is quite cheap. After three weeks of using the cream, my skin had noticeably improved and I hurried to record the result.


Of course, I did not regain my youth, but for the first time in many years I forgot about allergies, dryness or excessive shine of the T-zone. The face began to look fresh and radiant, fine wrinkles were smoothed out, age spots were reduced and lightened. Feels like the skin is filled with strength, more elastic and taut, supplied with moisture. From my own experience I was convinced of the effectiveness of the Inno Gialuron cream. Thanks to him, I feel beautiful and well-groomed.