Face rejuvenation after 50 without surgery

Age makes every woman think about age-related changes. Each of us wants to look as young as you feel in your soul. Therefore, many are interested in facial rejuvenation after 50 years without surgery, which includes preparation and rehabilitation.

A woman met her beautiful reflection after facial rejuvenation

Causes of age-related skin changes in women over 50 and 60 years

By the age of 50, a woman's body begins to slow down the production of estrogens, sex hormones responsible for the work of metabolic processes in the body. The organs are not working as they should. Including the circulatory system. Due to age-related changes, the vessels in the skin begin to receive less vital oxygen, vitamins and minerals.

Hyaluronic acid and collagen, which take over the skin's moisturizing and firming functions, decrease. The skin begins to recover much more slowly than before. The problem of facial rejuvenation after 50 years becomes relevant.

Happy woman in her 50s after facial care

General rules for skin care

To look good in adulthood, you need to take care of your face from the age of 30. And if you count on facial rejuvenation after 50 years without surgery, you need to adhere to the basic rules of facial care for life:

  1. Be sure to wash your face daily. Moisture is vital for the skin. Do not use alcohol-based cleaning products. In the morning it is better to wash your face with water without soap.
  2. In the morning before bedtime, apply a nourishing cream - a moisturizer marked 50+. A 50-year-old face should be protected from adverse weather conditions. Therefore, before going out, try to apply a cream with UV protection.
  3. Clean your skin once a week. Use age-appropriate scrubs and masks for this.
  4. Perform anti-aging self-massage for the skin of the face more often. Do facial exercises.
  5. Prepare and apply homemade masks based on natural products 2 times a week. They can be very different depending on the season.
  6. Regularly visit a beauty salon and perform cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation after 50.
Morning application of a facial moisturizer labeled 50+

Non-surgical methods of rejuvenation

While many women want to look good in adulthood, not everyone will choose to lay down on the operating table to do so. Thanks to innovative solutions in cosmetics, this is not necessary at all. It is enough to regularly carry out cosmetic procedures for facial rejuvenation at the age of 50, and visually your age will decrease by 5-10 years. Using hardware, injections, and cosmetic methods, your skin is forcibly oxygenated and saturated with moisture. The skin begins to produce the necessary amount of collagen, which helps smooth wrinkles.

hardware methods

Hardware facial skin rejuvenation

Hardware facial rejuvenation after 50 years is offered to women who have the first signs of aging. This method involves a beautician using electricity, radio waves, light and a laser to cleanse the dermis of dead cells. It's completely painless. In women over 50 years old, after such methods of rejuvenation, the tone of the face improves significantly. Let's take a closer look:

  • The use of laser beams helps to get rid of dead skin cells and start the regeneration process of the dermis. The result is smoothing of the skin, reduction of wrinkles, age spots. The complexion improves, the skin becomes elastic.
  • Photolifting is a non-surgical effect of high-frequency pulsed light waves of different lengths on the middle layers of the skin. This stimulates collagen production, which improves skin elasticity. This method also helps to get rid of age spots and wrinkles, that is, to solve the problem of rejuvenation after 50 years.
  • Radio lifting helps high-frequency electric current penetrate the middle and deep layers of the epidermis. It helps in the production of elastin and collagen. In total, the course of such a procedure takes 4-5 days. The result of such facial rejuvenation after 50 years is immediately visible and lasts for 2 years.

The main advantage of hardware methods is the absence of contraindications and allergic reactions.

injection methods

Injections for facial rejuvenation

Injection methods are the answer to the question of how to quickly rejuvenate at 50. Beauty injections eliminate wrinkles of any depth, improve the oval of the face, tighten sagging skin. Injections saturate the dermis with beneficial trace elements that restore collagen production. Such methods can be used at the first signs of skin aging and with severe wrinkles.

It should be borne in mind that not all women after 50 years can use such anti-aging facial procedures. Blood clotting disorders, cancer, pregnancy, lactation, reactions to the elements used in injections, rashes and some other diseases are contraindicated when using such methods for rejuvenation.

cosmetic methods

Facial skin peeling to renew the epidermis

Cosmetic methods include peeling, moisturizing, nutrition, skin tightening using various cosmetic products. These funds should contain collagen, vitamins, trace elements, essential oils, proteins, amino acids. You can do such facial treatments after 50 in a beauty salon or at home. When using cosmetic products, you need to think about the need for regular massages and gymnastics. This significantly improves the tone of the facial muscles.

In the conditions of a cosmetology clinic, you can use rejuvenation methods, such as peeling. This is a procedure for removing dead skin particles at different levels of the dermis with the help of fruit, acetic and other acids. Performing a deep peel can be unsafe and there is a high chance of burning yourself. Therefore, such peeling is performed only in a hospital under the supervision of cosmetologists.

Ways to rejuvenate facial skin at home

You ask: how to rejuvenate your face at home at 50? Without resorting to expensive services of cosmetology clinics and doctors?

If you devote some of your time to your darling and pay a little attention, the results will not be long in coming.

It is important to know that the products used to rejuvenate the skin of the face at home are not inferior in effectiveness to the products that are offered to you for use in expensive beauty salons.


It is important to remember that all cosmetic procedures must begin in the same way - with cleansing of the skin of the face. Then it is desirable to steam the face. Apply the mask for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Applying masks is usually recommended twice a week.

Applying a rejuvenating face mask

Here is a recipe for the most effective adulthood mask that, in our opinion, guarantees rejuvenation after 50 years:

Dilute 2 tablespoons of dry yeast with warm sour cream or cream. Stir to achieve a homogeneous mass. Apply to cleansed skin for 30 minutes before bed. Then wash off with warm water. Do this process every other day for a month. In a few weeks you will see how effective this mask is, you will understand that rejuvenating the skin of the face after 50 years is not difficult at home.

Wrinkle-smoothing sour cream yeast mask


You can use ready-made face serums. Now they are widely used on sale. Serums contain hyaluronic acid, allantoin, which protects the skin from aggressive environmental influences, a complex of amino acids for collagen production and many other beneficial ingredients. Read the ingredients on the packaging carefully. Do not skimp on money, remember that mature skin is sensitive to aggressive components.

These serums should be applied to cleansed skin daily. They also help with rejuvenation at home after 50 years.


Mandatory daily use of nourishing and night creams allows a woman to preserve youth. Do not neglect such simple procedures, as they do not take much time and do not cost a lot of money. Creams help maintain optimal skin balance for women over 50 at home.

Creams should be chosen carefully. Pay attention to the fact that the cream contains retinoids, peptides, ceramides, vitamins. The main task of the cream is to moisturize the skin, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin and prevent the appearance of age spots. Rejuvenation after 50 years is real if you use good creams regularly.

Woman applies face cream with anti-aging effect

Facial massage and gymnastics

There are several effective methods of facial gymnastics. For example face building, face forming, Facebook. Such techniques will help to get rid of menacing eyelids, smooth out the second chin, wrinkles, tighten the skin, affecting the muscles of the face.

If you start treating yourself to a facial massage in your 30s, you'll look 15-20 years younger than your peers. It is best to do this massage in the morning.

It is important to understand that gymnastics and massage of the facial muscles will give a positive result only with regular exercise.

Possibility of the procedure at home

The facial massage is very easy to do at home. Mastering these skills is not difficult. The main movements are light stroking, pinching, tapping. You may also be able to conduct such sessions on your own. The main thing is that these movements add to the skin tone, and do not stretch it. For better gliding of your hands, use cosmetic oils.

It is necessary to understand that the main lines used for facial massage are:

  1. From the earlobe to the middle of the chin.
  2. From the middle of the ear to the corners of the mouth.
  3. From the tip of the ear to the nostrils.
  4. From the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose.
  5. From the bridge of the nose along the eyebrows.

The massage should be performed with the listed movements along the named lines. Each line needs to be processed 3-4 times. After a facial massage, you should move to the décolleté area, where you need to grasp your neck and do palm-down sliding stretches. Tap the bottom of your chin with the back of your hand.

It has been proven that massage not only improves skin tone and gives it a radiant appearance, but also improves a woman's mood. As a result, she begins to feel cheerful and attractive. Therefore, the massage has not only a cosmetic and health-promoting function.

Facial skin gymnastics

As mentioned in this article, there are effective facial exercises that should not be neglected if you want to rejuvenate. The meaning of gymnastics is to train the muscles of the face, thanks to which they become toned and get a beautiful oval of the face, the correct features of the eyelids, chin, etc.

Folk ways of skin rejuvenation after 50 years

There are many popular ways to rejuvenate your body after 50. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle help our body stay young for as long as possible. By drinking enough fluids and providing the body with the right amount of vitamins and minerals, we help to be not only healthy but also young.

The most famous way of rejuvenating the body is called Tibetan.

Tibetan ingredients for making a folk remedy for wrinkles

The essence of this method is to grind 350 grams of garlic in a porcelain bowl, then pour it with alcohol (200 ml) and keep it in a clay bowl in a dark cool place for 10 days. This solution is then filtered and stored for a further three days.

Consume with milk three times a day before meals according to a specific scheme:

  • First day: 2 drops of infusion per 50 ml of milk.
  • From the second day add a drop to each meal.
  • From the 6th to the 10th day we reduce one drop with every meal.
  • From the 11th day we drink 20-25 drops three times a day until the end of the infusion.

The result of this method is not long in coming. Metabolic processes in the body are built up, skin color and eyesight improve. Slags are removed and excess fat in the body is broken down.

Use this tool with caution as not everyone will see it. If you experience any discomfort during use, you should stop the infusion immediately and consult a doctor.


If you use these ways and methods of rejuvenation in combination, you will stay young and healthy for a long time. Also, remember that it's important to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night, avoid shocks, eat right, and lead a healthy lifestyle. You will like the result, your radiant appearance will amaze others and you will feel young.

Looking young is in fashion these days! Don't let your appearance grow old, let it stay young, like your soul.